This week I participated in the first USRSE software bootcamp in Princeton. It was a wonderful experience with wonderful people. I leaned a lot about building software, but even more about the interesting folks who have also taken up the mantle of “Research Software Engineer”.

I’m very excited to continue participating in this community!

Busting into the world of Rust

I am beginning my journey as a Rust programmer this week. I’ve wanted a compiled language in my arsenal for awhile now, but despite playing footsy with cpp here and there it never quite pulled me in. I was sold on Rust by a professor i met at the INTERSECT Bootcamp. He touted the rapidly growing ecosystem and smooth interface with python. I am also attracted to the noob-friendly compiler and overall modern vibe of Rust.

I’m trying to think of projects that will help accelerate my learning so please leave any comments with ideas.

Yuka App

I learned about a very handy app called Yuka. By simply pointing your phone camera at a barcode of food or a cosmetic product, this app presents you with a plethora of details about the health and safety of most items on the market. I took it for a spin during my last grocery trip and I had a great time learning about the contents of my purchases and what products i really should be advising.

I’m curious about the Nutri-Score rating system that Yuka builds on - it seems to be a pretty decent general metric for for quality.


I am planning on using this whenever i shop for food in the future. They also give great stats for makeup, toiletries, and the like.

Bits and Pieces